Monday, December 20, 2010

Introducing the CTC Blog!

It is with great pleasure that I present to you the Canine Training Center’s Blog written by me, Johanna.  Working for the CTC has been a very rewarding experience; I got to meet many great people and their adorable dogs.  I miss each of them and hope that I will get the chance to work with them again.  Until then, I am very excited about writing this blog because it combines three of my favorite things:
  • Dogs  
  • People
  • Writing
I look forward to hearing from my readers throughout this blog and invite you to help me make this an interactive experience.  I want to hear your stories and comments!  I want to know what is on your mind and I encourage you to tell me by commenting on this blog.  

Until next week, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!


Next week’s blog:  Treadmills for Dogs-My Experience